My name is Xin Estrel, but you can call me Estrel, Stranger. I am a living creature that should be gone many, many eons ago. I should not be here, breathing and walking. But I am. Long ago, in the version of the last universe before this you know as your reality, my godly brothers and sisters made many mistakes. Many mistakes lead up to the downfall of this place that I called home, with the body I called mine and the life I was thriving in. I was a loyal soldier of the greater good, always doing what I got called from the mighty cosmos, but still - someone did not grant me the peaceful death that I had deserved but doomed me to walk this new reality, this new universe. Lost. Without a guide or family to rely on. But,…am I truly lost?”

                                                                                              *~Xin Estrel*

Kevin Gnutzmans picture, is a placeholder for the moment.

Kevin Gnutzmans picture, is a placeholder for the moment.


Basic Information

The Human Form

The Lich Form

Wolf form

The Dragon Form

Form Gallery



Strength and Weaknesses

His Lore


Gallery of Xin Estrel


Name Xin Estrel

Age Ancient

Species Cosmic Beast

Relationship Taken

Religion N/A

Archetype N/A

Occupation Teacher / Fighter

Status Alive

Residence “Earth”

Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Role Deity

Nickname Fluffball, Fuzzhead, Esty

Aliase Ancient Beast, Cursed God,

                                            The Unkillable 


Untitled Database

art done by: Alka-Di-Kijarr

art done by: Alka-Di-Kijarr



Black Minimalist Outline Icons Icon Set (600 × 150 px).png

Untitled Database

Pokemon map as placeholder

Pokemon map as placeholder





His biggest goal is to change things, when it comes to the world he sees, so that others don’t have to endure what happened to him, and suffer as he did.

The feeling of hope is something Estrel is shocked by after he finally saw the big picture and understood the downfall of the vast universe. Unchained from all the morals and guidelines of his past life, he decided to now just live life as it comes, without trying to serve the higher forces in the cosmos again.

Estrels biggest secret is, that he not really belongs to our actual universe. He is from a way older time, but his universe fell apart due to mistakes made by the gods and deities in charge. From the actual state, Estrel should not be alive anymore, but a star heart keeps him alive, so he tries to use this second chance to use his power for the better.

So far, Estrel has not been bound to dreams anymore. He sees things as they appear, but doesn’t channel dreams for himself anymore. The only thing that could be considered a dream, would be his wish that everything will be good in the end. For everyone.

art done by

art done by

Untitled Database